The European Commission’s Funding & Tender Opportunities (F&TP) portal currently has 7 calls for proposals for actions under the “Citizens’, Equality, Rights and Values” program:
- Call for proposals for 4-year partnership contracts (structural assistance) in support of trans-European networks, civil society organizations active at European level and research organizations working in the fields of Unionvalues (Deadline for applications: 22 June 2021)
- Structural support for organizations active in the field of the Union’s values (Deadline for applications: 22 June 2021)
- Call for proposals to promote equality and reduce racism, xenophobia and discrimination (Deadline for applications: 15 June 2021)
- Call for proposals for projects to promote and improve the protection of the rights of the child (Deadline for applications: 7 September 2021)
- Restricted call for applications from national data protection authorities for data protection legitimacy projects (Deadline for applications: 9 September 2021)
- Call for proposals for European Remembrance Projects (Deadline for applications: 22 June 2021)
- Call for proposals for projects aimed at preventing gender-based violence and violence against children (Deadline for applications: 15 June 2021)
For more information, selection criteria and application conditions, please call +370 659 63587 or e-mail. email vsi.lektoriai@gmail.com and we will help you prepare a quality application for funding.